The New Work World
The most up-to-date information about the emerging New Work World is offered in Mary Ann’s weekly articles about industries, hiring practices and what you need to know in this ever-changing world. These articles are informative and helpful in your job search, teaching vital skills to help you reach your goals, even in these challenging times. Check back weekly for the most current information.
- Audio 59
- Authors Marketing Guild 21
- Beyond the Edge 1
- Career Can Do 14
- Case Study 4
- Faremouth Method™ 96
- Goal-setting 1
- Indie Beacon Show 19
- Interview 8
- Price of Business 28
- Recruiting 4
- Resume 4
- Step 1: Do a Self-Inventory 26
- Step 2: Ask Better Questions 23
- Step 3: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone 22
- Step 4: Take Your Time and Do It Right 17
- Step 5: Be a Hunter 26
- USA Daily Post 73
- Video 20
- Webinar 2
- Workshop 1
Doing a Self-Inventory on Your Resume for the New Work World
If I had to summarize in a very simple way, the message you need to keep in mind when redoing your resume is this: Your resume needs to reflect more about how your skills can make a contribution to this “New Work World,” as opposed to what you have accomplished in the past.
The Hunt for Happiness—the Perfect Storm
I think we all start out on our journey in life with a vision of who we are, who we want to be and where we want to go. Then life happens, or “really happens.”
Take the Time to Do It Right
In our previously busy “normal” lives, we didn’t really have time to, perhaps, stop in our tracks and re-evaluate the various aspects of higher education. Now, this virus has forced our educators to reimagine how we will deliver an engaging and holistic learning experience for students. It just might give us time to think about “doing it right” in many respects.
Ask Not What Your Company Can Do for You
I don't think we're going to ever go back to the normal as we knew it, but rather to a new normal that will foster much more collaboration and teamwork.
Asking Better Questions for Our New Normal Work World
Asking Better Questions is the 4th Step of the Faremouth Method.
The Quest for the Human Element
In this Shelter-In-Place and Post-COVID-19 Phase of the work world we are facing now, Employers, Recruiters, and Candidates will have to HUNT FOR THE HUMAN ELEMENT in the employment world to accomplish a more harmonious working environment in the coming weeks and months as we get back to work.
The Commencement Address
I think all of us are, in a sense, GRADUATING to a “NEW NORMAL,” if you will. I think the five tips I gave these graduates just might be helpful to folks right now looking at beginning their own “new normal” and doing it successfully.
Shoved out of Our Comfort Zones
WE are in the cockpit of life right now, and the sooner we can get past the shock of the events in our world and steer our “plane of life” above the clouds and head to a safe landing, the better we will all be.
Revolutionary Times
With the stay in place order, there is a dramatic change. In our work worlds. Most of us have been forced to work from home. And I'm getting many calls these days, from candidates and employers wondering if things will ever be the same or go back to business as usual. With any revolution, there is always change. The only constant in life is change, and it isn't always bad.
Changing Our Mindset in Tough Times
Even if you have to readjust your current position or your current situation, be assured that the experience you will now encounter will be a stepping stone for you in the future. Let's all get to work right now to change our mindset.
Asking Better Questions in Tough Times
I think there's a big dragon inside of each of us at this time, that it's called the Fear Dragon, that we need to take out a sword and slay about how we're going to get through this because we have to believe we will get through this.
Building a Solid Foundation
Everything relies on a solid foundation, from buildings we work and live in to the roads we drive on and the tracks that trains run on, we simply can't function without the right foundations in place. If we are too focused on the superficial, we can end up with a faulty foundation that eventually falls apart. We need to take the time to do it right.
Know Thyself
We don't have to wait for a catastrophic event in our lives to force us into our own self-inventory. Perhaps now is the time for introspection. The first step of the Faremouth Method™, Do a Self-inventory, may lead you to become the very best version of who you are.
Slay the Dragon
What is that one big variable that keeps us all doing the same old thing? Day after day, month after month? And maybe even year after year? Why is it so hard for so many of us to step out of our comfort zone?
New Indie Beacon Hostess Mary Ann Faremouth
Welcome our new hostess, Mary Ann Faremouth, to the Indie Beacon Show. Learn more about Mary Ann and what she hopes to bring to the table.
Dragon Slayer
When we get in alignment with who we are, when we know who we are, know ourselves, then we can make much more of a contribution to society and become happier with our life. Find out more about the Faremouth Method™ in this interview on the Price of Business.
When Things Fall Apart
Losing a job can be painful, humiliating, and downright scary. But worrying and panicking never help us find the next step. When you come up against a situation like this remember that on the other end is a golden coin of hard-earned truth, molded from your survival and experience.
Tin Man's Story
Don't be afraid to risk. Don't be afraid to try. You are an amazing creation and you have so much inside of you that wants to get out. If you are feeling stuck, you owe it to yourself to go on a new journey. What you find along the way might surprise you.
The Old Model — Why We Know It's Broken
Because we have a changed economy, a changed employment market and a supply and demand problem when it comes to applicants. We don't have a choice. We need to consider Alternative Methods of Hiring.
How Does the Wrong Person on Paper Get the Right Job?
How does the wrong person on paper, end up getting the right job? Well I've seen it happen time and time again. I've been an Executive Recruiter for over 30 years and I've devised a new Model that actually works.
“What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.”
— Henry David Thoreau