Shoved out of Our Comfort Zones


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Today I was pondering the 3rd step of the Faremouth Method™—Step Out of Your Comfort Zone. Although, with the recent events in our world, it might be more like “shoved or pushed out of our comfort zone!”

Recently I saw a quote that said something like:

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”

WE are in the cockpit of life right now, and the sooner we can get past the shock of the events in our world and steer our “plane of life” above the clouds and head to a safe landing, the better we will all be.

In other words, the sooner we can move past the shock and move to strategy, the stronger the probability of a safe landing and the faster we will get there.

Let’s break this process into three parts to be strategic in our methodology:

Step 1 – Let’s become awake and aware

Step 2 – Understand this will not last forever

Step 3 – What we can do right now to have a safe and stress-free landing

 Step 1 – Become awake and aware

Often we need to put things down on paper, in black and white, to see more clearly. When I was talking to my editor, Max Regan, yesterday, he offered some great advice I wanted to share with you. He suggested we make two lists:

List 1, What we can control, and List 2, What we can not control

List 1: What we can control:

  • Staying in touch with colleagues

  • Quality of work I am producing from home

  • Control my mindset

  • How can I strategically identify my transferable skills?

  • How can I control what I feed my mind and heart?

  • How can I join virtual groups to expand my skill set, maybe a Toastmaster group to do a better interview on that future job?

List 2: What we can not control:

  • How long will it take to develop a vaccine?

  • Price of Oil

  • Whether the company will hire me back

  • Whether the Government stimulus package will arrive in time

Step 2 – We must understand this will not last forever

This current situation is not like “physical death,” where we lose a spouse, a loved one, or a child. It’s more like the death of an old way of being that may very well lead us to become an even better version of ourselves or learn things about ourselves that we never realized before. I saw something recently that said:

“Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes in the middle of nowhere you find yourself. It might last longer than we think or want it to, but there will be a light at the end of this dark tunnel.”


Let’s take a look at the 3rd Step.

Step 3 – What we can do right now to have a safe and stress-free landing

  • How can we control our household budget? Are there bills we can cut out entirely or minimize? Can we contact our mortgage companies or other Companies to reduce our bills and what we have to pay out immediately?

  • Can I downsize my car and have a smaller payment?

  • Can we all pitch in to clean the house and relieve Mom with the entire chore as she homeschools the kids?

  • Can we begin researching jobs available on lists on LinkedIn, job boards, etc.?

  • Do we work with a career coach or consultant to help us streamline the process?

  • Update our resume to show transferable skills to new employment.

  • Take an online class to make ourselves more marketable?

  • Find an online meditation or yoga class to help us manage our personal stress to navigate through this time? Are you doing some form of exercise? There are other online classes that would also alleviate and manage our stress.

  • Better nutrition will also help us to get through this time when we are not loading our bodies up with junk food.

The most important thing to consider right now is our relationship with ourselves. We want a capable, calm, and stable pilot driving this plane of our lives to ensure a safe landing. We are all in this together, and if we implement a safe and methodical strategy, we will land in a much better area than we ever dreamed of!


Mary Ann Faremouth has been a regular contributor to the USA Daily Post since April of 2020 and to The Price of Business since August of 2019.

Kevin Price, the host of The Price of Business, is known for getting the big interviews — New York Times Best Selling Authors, Multi-Billionaires, National News Personalities, and More. Price is a multi-award winning journalist, author, speaker, columnist, and business news media personality.

The Price of Business is one of the longest running business shows in the country. It is nationally syndicated and distributed by USA Business Radio.


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