The New Work World


The most up-to-date information about the emerging New Work World is offered in Mary Ann’s weekly articles about industries, hiring practices and what you need to know in this ever-changing world. These articles are informative and helpful in your job search, teaching vital skills to help you reach your goals, even in these challenging times. Check back weekly for the most current information. 

The Power of Persistence in the New Work World
Consultant, Teacher Mary Ann Faremouth Consultant, Teacher Mary Ann Faremouth

The Power of Persistence in the New Work World

Every dream faces its own challenges, and Georgia Bulldog’s quarterback Stetson Bennett is one of many whose stories are proof of the power of persistence in realizing our dreams. Let’s look at how others have handled such challenges and see what lessons we can learn to help us change our mindsets and move forward in the New Work World.

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Expanding Our Mindset in the New Work World

Expanding Our Mindset in the New Work World

It's important to understand the business that you're targeting as a potential new hire, and see if various things that that organization offers, maps to what you want. In this episode, join Mary Ann as she interviews Rox Burkey, Customer Experience/Technology expert and Advisory Board Member to the University of Houston.

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Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone–Building Resilience in the New Work World

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone–Building Resilience in the New Work World

The following tips are ones that I feel may help you during these fearful times. They are tips that I have heard from a variety of sources that have helped employees and employers cope with having to step out of their comfort zone and build resilience in the New Work World.

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Doing a Self-Inventory on Your Resume for the New Work World

Doing a Self-Inventory on Your Resume for the New Work World

If I had to summarize in a very simple way, the message you need to keep in mind when redoing your resume is this: Your resume needs to reflect more about how your skills can make a contribution to this “New Work World,” as opposed to what you have accomplished in the past.

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Take the Time to Do It Right
Consultant, Teacher Mary Ann Faremouth Consultant, Teacher Mary Ann Faremouth

Take the Time to Do It Right

In our previously busy “normal” lives, we didn’t really have time to, perhaps, stop in our tracks and re-evaluate the various aspects of higher education. Now, this virus has forced our educators to reimagine how we will deliver an engaging and holistic learning experience for students. It just might give us time to think about “doing it right” in many respects.

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The Quest for the Human Element

The Quest for the Human Element

In this Shelter-In-Place and Post-COVID-19 Phase of the work world we are facing now, Employers, Recruiters, and Candidates will have to HUNT FOR THE HUMAN ELEMENT in the employment world to accomplish a more harmonious working environment in the coming weeks and months as we get back to work.

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The Commencement Address
Teacher Mary Ann Faremouth Teacher Mary Ann Faremouth

The Commencement Address

I think all of us are, in a sense, GRADUATING to a “NEW NORMAL,” if you will. I think the five tips I gave these graduates just might be helpful to folks right now looking at beginning their own “new normal” and doing it successfully.

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Shoved out of Our Comfort Zones
Mary Ann Faremouth Mary Ann Faremouth

Shoved out of Our Comfort Zones

WE are in the cockpit of life right now, and the sooner we can get past the shock of the events in our world and steer our “plane of life” above the clouds and head to a safe landing, the better we will all be.

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“What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.”

— Henry David Thoreau