Asking Better Questions in Tough Times

Mary Ann Faremouth is guest host on The Price of Business

A Future with a More Positive Attitude

We're all asking ourselves lots of questions right now as to how we can take better care of ourselves and each other in these crazy times with the Coronavirus upon us. I know we're all being advised to wash our hands off in these days. But I think we all should be also washing our hands of fear and limiting beliefs. I think there's a big dragon inside of each of us at this time, that it's called the Fear Dragon, that we need to take out a sword and slay about how we're going to get through this because we have to believe we will get through this.

Maybe some of the daily quarantine questions we need to be asking ourselves during these frightening times are:

  • Who am I checking in on or connecting with today?

  • What expectations of normal am I letting go?

  • What can I create, cultivate or invite in that might be of a beautiful nature?

  • What am I grateful for today?

  • Am I getting outdoors?

  • What can I do to help someone else during these scary times?

Listen to the audio:

The second step of the Faremouth Method™—Ask Better Questions—might help us all move to a more positive place and endure these tough times with a sense that the end result will be a much needed one for all involved.
— Mary Ann Faremouth

Mary Ann Faremouth has been a regular guest on The Price of Business since August of 2019.

Kevin Price, the host of The Price of Business, is known for getting the big interviews — New York Times Best Selling Authors, Multi-Billionaires, National News Personalities, and More. Price is a multi-award winning journalist, author, speaker, columnist, and business news media personality.

The Price of Business is one of the longest running business shows in the country. It is nationally syndicated and distributed by USA Business Radio.


Changing Our Mindset in Tough Times


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