The New Work World


The most up-to-date information about the emerging New Work World is offered in Mary Ann’s weekly articles about industries, hiring practices and what you need to know in this ever-changing world. These articles are informative and helpful in your job search, teaching vital skills to help you reach your goals, even in these challenging times. Check back weekly for the most current information. 

Doing a Self-Inventory on Your Resume for the New Work World

Doing a Self-Inventory on Your Resume for the New Work World

If I had to summarize in a very simple way, the message you need to keep in mind when redoing your resume is this: Your resume needs to reflect more about how your skills can make a contribution to this “New Work World,” as opposed to what you have accomplished in the past.

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The Quest for the Human Element

The Quest for the Human Element

In this Shelter-In-Place and Post-COVID-19 Phase of the work world we are facing now, Employers, Recruiters, and Candidates will have to HUNT FOR THE HUMAN ELEMENT in the employment world to accomplish a more harmonious working environment in the coming weeks and months as we get back to work.

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Revolutionary Times
Revolutionary Recruiting, Consultant, Teacher Mary Ann Faremouth Revolutionary Recruiting, Consultant, Teacher Mary Ann Faremouth

Revolutionary Times

With the stay in place order, there is a dramatic change. In our work worlds. Most of us have been forced to work from home. And I'm getting many calls these days, from candidates and employers wondering if things will ever be the same or go back to business as usual. With any revolution, there is always change. The only constant in life is change, and it isn't always bad.

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Building a Solid Foundation
Revolutionary Recruiting, Consultant, Teacher Mary Ann Faremouth Revolutionary Recruiting, Consultant, Teacher Mary Ann Faremouth

Building a Solid Foundation

Everything relies on a solid foundation, from buildings we work and live in to the roads we drive on and the tracks that trains run on, we simply can't function without the right foundations in place. If we are too focused on the superficial, we can end up with a faulty foundation that eventually falls apart. We need to take the time to do it right.

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When Things Fall Apart

When Things Fall Apart

Losing a job can be painful, humiliating, and downright scary. But worrying and panicking never help us find the next step. When you come up against a situation like this remember that on the other end is a golden coin of hard-earned truth, molded from your survival and experience.

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“What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.”

— Henry David Thoreau