“I won’t ever forget you Mary Ann!!”
You are the only person I ever reach out to when it comes to needing talent or someone in a bind looking for a job.. because you are one of the few who truly care about people and see the potential in people. I will always be your biggest fan!

“On My Way to My Dream Job”
Mary Ann Faremouth is a career consultant that really tries to help people actualize their career goals and works hard to promote your skillset to the right market segment. Mary Ann has personally helped me get into my field of choice and am on my way to my dream job thanks to her!

“Thank You”
Mary Ann, thank you for taking the time to guide me in the right direction regarding the new job discovery process, your input and Donna Wallingsford's revamp of my resume made a great difference. I'm thankful and excited I started my new career as a financial aid advisor at college. I am very grateful for this new adventure finances and impacting our youth as well as returning students will be very fulfilling. Thank you.

“Insightful and Energetic”
I met Mary Ann at the 2019 NASPD annual convention. As a result, we shared ideas and concepts around leadership and she was kind enough to provide a copy of her book "Revolutionary Recruiting" which I read. I found Mary Ann to be insightful and energetic while bringing a refreshing approach to recruiting and finding talent. I would recommend any opportunity you may have to work with or interact with Mary Ann.