Rise Like the Phoenix in the New Work World

In ancient mythology and medieval literature, the phoenix is depicted as an awe-inspiring bird. Through determination and perseverance, it rises from the ashes of a fiery death to become even more powerful than it was before—the personification of tenacity, persistence, and rebirth.

Since the pandemic began, our professional and personal lives have been through the fire. We’ve all experienced loss in some form, and at times, it has been hard to see our way forward.

But like the phoenix, you can emerge from the fire a better version of yourself. By transforming your mindset and refreshing your skill set, you can reclaim your personal and professional journeys.

Reignite Your Mindset

Mindset is now front and center when it comes to achieving success. A positive mindset and a willingness to share ideas that reflect your goals and desire to contribute will take you far in the New Work World. Set fire to the negativity and outdated beliefs about what others have done to you or must do for you. Focusing solely on yourself, rather than the team and community, will prevent you from thriving in the New Work World. Transforming your mindset is an important first step to productively moving your career journey forward.

Shake Off the Ashes of the Old

Old questions and mindsets often focused on the individual: How have I been treated? When will I get promoted? When will I receive increased wages or vacation benefits? These old questions that center around “me” do not work in the New Work World and must be shed. Instead, ask questions that focus on the “we”: the business community, the groups and associations in which you participate, the teams you’re part of or looking to join. Ask how you can expand your skill set to make a bigger contribution to your company. Ask how you might help others, whether through volunteering or perhaps just assisting a coworker struggling with a new system. Shedding the old focus on “me” and instead asking about the “we” will help you make a valuable contribution that is sure to be noticed by all.

Stretch Your Wings and Fly

While transforming your mindset is important, it needs to be complemented by a renewal of your skill set. To do so, you must stretch your wings out of your comfort zone to learn new skills and embrace what you might not yet do well. For example, how can you help your company become more efficient digitally, and what would you need to learn? Explore skills with which you don’t feel confident, and consider what steps you might take to improve and gain confidence in them. For example, if you want to take flight as a presenter, consider joining Toastmasters or Rotary Club. Temporarily doing things that are uncomfortable can help you expand your skill set and allow you to offer more to your company and others in the community.

Hunt New Opportunities

It is not enough to transform your mindset, renew your skill set, and just sit around waiting for opportunities to come to you. Once you have emerged from the fire, you must use your new mindset and skill set to hunt down new opportunities. Get your ego out of the way, show up, be innovative, and make a concerted effort to demonstrate how what you want correlates with the requirements or desires of others.

As Timothy Pina says, “Be like the phoenix. From the midst of your ashes . . . get up and rise again!” Like the phoenix, you can become the personification of tenacity, persistence, and rebirth. By reigniting your mindset, shaking off the ashes of the old, stretching you wings to take flight, and hunting down new opportunities, you can rise above the destructive fires of the last few years to realize your dreams and goals in the New Work World.


Mary Ann Faremouth has been a regular contributor to the USA Daily Post since April of 2020.


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