Building Up Students with Jill Peplinski

This week’s guest is Jill Peplinski

In this episode of Career Can Do, Mary Ann Faremouth chats with Jill Peplinski, who is Adjunct Professor of Business Communications, and Success Center Specialist at Walsh College. Walsh College is a private and prestigious institution recognized for one of the top 15 MBA programs. Jill talks about Walsh’s unique educational approach to the professional development of their students.

Making Connections and Networking

At Walsh, it’s all about networking. Many of their adjunct professors work in the fields they teach, so students are easily able to make connections through them. Walsh’s phenomenal career services department hosts internships and career fairs for their students, as well as a mentor program that matches any interested student with a mentor that helps them develop professionally. Allowing their students to work with polished professionals helps them build the confidence they need to help them in various ways along their career journey. 

When she first started at Walsh, Jill had intended to only stay for about five years and then move on. Twenty years later, she’s still there helping students grow day by day. “I like teaching best,” she shares, “building up our students is tremendously rewarding… I love being able to bring prior experiences that I’ve had to [my] students.”

Listen to the Podcast:

The more people you know and have connections with, the stronger you’re going to be when you hit the job market
— Jill Peplinski

Career Can Do is a new podcast from award-winning author, professional career coach, and training consultant Mary Ann Faremouth. Mary Ann talks to experts, employers, and job seekers about what the new work world looks like and how you can thrive in these ever-changing circumstances. Tune in every other week for straight talk about remote work, office politics, first impressions, the changing jobscape, and more.

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