“Highly Recommend This Book!”
At some point in everyone’s childhood we were asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” And at that time, we were encouraged to dream big and go for anything. Mary Ann Faremouth’s book brings that limitless mystique back into adulthood for all parties involved the workforce: the employee, employer and recruiter. Even if you are not actively searching or hiring, there is a lot to learn as you read Faremouth’s book. Yes, this book has explicit strategies for recruiters, job seekers and employers, but that’s just the surface content. Mary Ann shares her innovative wisdom by teaching strategy while tapping into the bigger picture - self actualization and human passion in the workplace. I love that this book is written through the lens of understanding human psyche so that both the employer and employee are equally fulfilled in their symbiotic roles. Not only is Faremouth extremely knowledgeable, as you read be prepared to feel inspired by her zest for life and genuine passion to help others find happiness, build a legacy and make the world a better pace.