The 12 Days of Christmas


The fifth step of the Faremouth Method™ is “Be A Hunter.” In my current hunt for relatable advice in December to make an impact on your job search in the New Work World, I thought of songs that might resonate with our career endeavors at a time when holidays are much different than before; a song that might have a practical message of meaningful and important analogies that would help us going forward. Are there ways we could all hunt for a more expansive career in 2021? The “trophy” catch of my hunt was the “The 12 Days of Christmas” because it has an organized method that might be relatable about how we could use the month of December in a productive way going forward into the new year. The 12 days of one gift each day might demonstrate 12 efforts on our part to allow us to plan our own leaps to success and march to our own new beat for the New Year!

“The Twelve Days of Christmas” is a Christmas carol made famous by an English composer, Frederic Austin, in 1909. Perhaps we can create our own gifts of the season with 12 positive steps that might yield more expansive results in career strategies that will bring about more satisfaction and success in the jobs of the New Work World.

On the First Day of Christmas:  A Partridge in a Pear Tree

The Partridge is closely associated in Greek mythology with Athena, a favored bird, full of wisdom. Maybe you can use your wisdom during the month of December to edit your resume down to only one page that reflects the right key words for the position for which you are applying.

On the Second Day of Christmas: Two Turtle Doves

During the month of December, remind yourself to add to your resume two exemplary achievements you have accomplished for each role you have had. For example, if you are a sales professional in this New Work World, prospective employers may be impressed that you grew sales 40% or expanded the product line, etc. Make sure those achievements are on your resume in a quantitative way to improve your chances of being selected for the interview.

On the Third Day of Christmas: Three French Hens

What if you send Christmas cards to three ex-bosses or colleagues who have moved on to new companies and then follow-up with a phone call to wish them a happy holiday? How might that “lay” some new groundwork for you to discover what their companies are doing and possibly request if you might use them as a reference or be advised if their company may have any needs going forward?

On the Fourth Day of Christmas: Four Calling Birds

What if you make four follow-up calls on positions you have applied for if you are looking for a job, or, if you have a job, what about making four calls to friends or family you have always admired to let them know of your status. You might write down four important goals you would like to achieve by the end of December that are important to you to expand your career endeavors.

On the Fifth Day of Christmas: Five Golden Rings

Why not make a list of your five most transferrable skills you could bring to the New Work World?  Perhaps investigate five new opportunities if you are unemployed that would be worth considering in the New Year? List five things about yourself that are really “GOLDEN?”  For example, write down the qualities you are most proud of.

  1. Goes the extra mile

  2. Always early or on time for meetings

  3. Good team player

  4. Strive to always make a valuable contribution

  5. Research and investigate profit making ideas that can be brought to management. These are things you need to keep in mind to discuss on interviews or if you already have a job, they remind you of your assets and abilities to improve your self-esteem at a time of the year that might be a bit challenging, etc.

On the Sixth Day of Christmas: Six Geese A-Laying

What if you spent time on LinkedIn making six new connections with people in companies that you would like to learn more about? It would be an exercise and endeavor in laying new foundations or seeds that could sprout some new beneficial connections to you in the New Year.  Oftentimes, there are forums, discussions, or announcements by people on LinkedIn that are in management positions and might be advantageous to you. 

What if you connected with a prospective customer who has just had an expansive development and might need what you may be selling? Or a new division that was formed in the company where they might be hiring new people? Connecting with them in December, the last month of the year, might provide future leads for you in the New Year that might allow you to benefit in the form of increased sales leading to a career promotion or salary increase, etc.

On the Seventh Day of Christmas: Seven Swans a-Swimming

Swans have always been strong symbols of grace, beauty, love, trust and loyalty. Swan symbolism is also linked to inner beauty and self-love. Why not make a list of seven areas where you could enhance your personal development in the New Year which could have an effect on inner beauty and self-love?  For example, could one item on your list be to take a new class in digital marketing? What about investigating diet and food plans that would make you feel healthier and more attractive? What about yearning to always write a poem? Would taking a writing or art class be something that would add to your own personal skillset and enhance your self-esteem? Write down seven activities or areas that would allow you to showcase your own beauty, both inner and outer, to be an even better version of who you are.

On the Eighth Day of Christmas: Eight Maids a-Milking

The number “8” has always related to infinity or power of rebirth and transformation. List six jobs that might be similar to what you have been doing but more fulfilling? Write down two reasons for each as to why you might be a suitable candidate for these jobs. This exercise might give you a stronger feeling about your ability to step out of your comfort zone to grow and expand. It’s also a way for you to “get the most out of your skillset and experiences” and see on paper how you can have more power in your belief system about what you can do going forward. You can “milk your own talents” to have more marketable skills in the New Work World.

On the Ninth Day of Christmas: Nine Ladies Dancing

I think we can all agree that we are looking for a “New Dance” in the New Year! To do a new dance, you must learn “New Steps.” How can we use the experiences where we may have gone backwards this year to take greater steps in a giant leap forward? Maybe this time of Covid-19 has forced us to learn new steps that might provide a new dance that we might really enjoy more? What if you spent five minutes a day looking at your company’s website to see what the upgraded jobs might demand of a skillset and determine how you can gain those skills? What about spending four minutes a day, updating your own personal journal, or expanding your LinkedIn profile in a way that presents your work experience in a more professional manner?

On the Tenth Day of Christmas: Ten Lords a-Leaping

How can the organized suggestions above allow you to take a giant advancement in your career endeavors? Remember, the word NO that you tell yourself can also be spelled “KNOW.” Know you can achieve anything you put your mind to if you take the proper steps in your life. Just like the famous quote by Henry Ford I love so much that says: “If you think you can or you can’t, you are right!”

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas:  Eleven Pipers Piping

When I think of “Pipers Piping” I think about celebratory events! What are you going to do NOW to make sure you have something to celebrate in 2021? How are you going to celebrate your new rebirth in growth from the hard work you are going to do on yourself and your career to make 2021 the best year yet? Who said you must think with the “end in mind?” How will it feel when you drop those two sizes in clothing and feel and look better? What if you were to move up two levels in your career? What about doing more exercise that will give you more energy to feel better at the end of the day?

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas my true love sent to me Twelve Drummers Drumming

We know the “Beat Goes On” when we do those extra things both personally and professionally to grow and develop! Believe that you have the wisdom to hunt for your own Merry Christmas by wishing Merry Christmas to 12 of your favorite past and present work affiliates. Make those success steps to do what is necessary to expand your opportunities and allow yourself to make 2021 your very best year yet!  With just a little effort, it can all become just within reach.


Mary Ann Faremouth has been a regular contributor to the USA Daily Post since April of 2020.


All I Want for Christmas!


Reinvent Your Career for the New Work World