Navigating Compliance and Podcasting

This week’s guest is Tom Fox.

Is compliance solely about adhering to legal standards, or does it also play a role in driving business efficiency? This question is central to the latest episode of the Career Can Do podcast, where host Mary Ann Faremouth engages with Tom Fox, the innovative founder of the Compliance Podcast Network. Their conversation explores the evolving world of compliance programs and the transformative impact of podcasting.

Tom Fox, a leading authority in anti-corruption and anti-bribery compliance, shares his valuable insights into why businesses must continuously update their compliance strategies. The shift to remote work, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, exposes the inadequacies of compliance programs that were designed a decade ago. Tom emphasizes that today’s fast-changing risk environment requires a proactive and adaptive approach to compliance.

A major focus of their discussion is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), a crucial tool in combating global bribery and corruption. Tom underscores the importance of strong compliance frameworks, especially in high-risk sectors like energy, where effective risk management is essential.

Tom’s personal journey is equally inspiring. After a severe bike accident, he transforms this challenge into an opportunity for growth, using his resilience to build a successful global practice from his home. His story illustrates how adversity can become a powerful catalyst for professional success.

Podcasting also plays a significant role in Tom’s career, providing a platform to enhance his brand and open new business opportunities. Both Tom and Mary Ann champion the power of podcasting, highlighting its potential to establish thought leadership, build professional brands, and create meaningful connections within the industry. They encourage professionals and businesses to use podcasting as a strategic tool for career and business growth.

For those interested in tapping into Tom’s expertise or exploring podcasting for their own ventures, he offers multiple ways to connect, including email, LinkedIn, and his website. This episode of Career Can Do is essential listening for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of compliance and leverage the transformative power of podcasting.

Listen to the Podcast:

Connections are the currency of opportunity.
— Tom Fox

Career Can Do is a new podcast from award-winning author, professional career coach, and training consultant Mary Ann Faremouth. Mary Ann talks to experts, employers, and job seekers about what the new work world looks like and how you can thrive in these ever-changing circumstances. Tune in every other week for straight talk about remote work, office politics, first impressions, the changing jobscape, and more.

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Featured on the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show.

Produced by One Stone Creative

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