Michael Sherlock Interview
This week’s guest is Michael Sherlock.
Don’t be fooled by the name, the hair color, or crazy shoes. Michael Sherlock is serious about business. She is dedicated to creating positive, productive, and profitable workplaces, and helping individuals, and businesses unlock their ultimate potential.
Before launching her global training company, Shock Your Potential, Michael was Vice President of US Sales for two multi-national medical device companies, responsible for net revenue exceeding $75 million and as many as 500 employees at a time. In 2020, she released the Shock Your Potential App, an on-demand training tool for leadership and sales professionals, and was chosen as #12 of the Top Female Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2021 by EnterpriseLeague.com.
Michael latest books are:
Tell Me More: How to Ask the Right Questions and Get the Most Out of Your Employees
Sales Mixology: Why the Most Potent Sales and Customer Experiences Follow a Recipe for Success
You can find out more about Michael and her books on her Amazon Author Page.
Leadership and Sales
Every author seeks to be the best writer they can be. However, they sometimes stop there forgetting that marketing and other aspects of their life must also be the best they can be. In this episode of the Indie Beacon Show, hostess Mary Ann Faremouth interviews Michael Sherlock, Chief Potential Officer at Shock Your Potential. Learn about how Michael can help people become their best.
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“No one’s sense of urgency ever matches my own.”
Authors, Book Marketing, Publishing, Reading, Writing
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