May You Live in Interesting Times with Dr. Donald McNeeley
This week’s guest is Dr. Donald McNeeley.
Dr. Donald McNeeley is the President and Chief Operating Officer of Chicago Tube and Iron Corporation, a multi-million dollar steel company headquartered in Chicago with ten subsidiaries throughout the United States. He is also a Professor of Engineering at Northwestern University. As a leader responsible for making a significant contribution in the New Work World, Dr. McNeeley discusses the importance of networking and education.
According to social scientists, everyone experiences an average of 3 SEEs, or significant emotional events, over the course of their life. A common SEE is the unexpected death of a spouse or when a child precedes their parent in death. From the time of experiencing such events, life changes irrevocably. The organizational equivalent of a SEE is called a point of inflection, Dr. McNeeley shares.
As a company progresses through time, it will periodically encounter these points of inflection where the leaders will need to rethink their historical business model, irrespective of how successful it's been. Leaders must be prepared to deliver on those points, he adds. Later, he advises students to go to school with the intention to learn, not get good grades. If you go to school to learn, the grades will come automatically.
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“The reality is, work is not just what we do, to a great extent, this thing called work is who we are. We identify with what we do for a living.”
Career Can Do is a new podcast from award-winning author, professional career coach, and training consultant Mary Ann Faremouth. Mary Ann talks to experts, employers, and job seekers about what the new work world looks like and how you can thrive in these ever-changing circumstances. Tune in every other week for straight talk about remote work, office politics, first impressions, the changing jobscape, and more.
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